Funeral Costs are Obscene!

Don't overlook the final expense. Funeral costs now represent the third-largest expenditures most families will make in a lifetime. Only our homes and automobiles cost more. How much? Current estimates range from $7,000-$10,000+ per funeral (including burial plot, vault, and monument) and, just like at an auction, a nod at the wrong time can cost you an additional $1000.00 or more. It doesn't have to be that way.

 The information on the following pages was taken from a three-year study of the funeral industry and should provide some timely tips on arranging a funeral, and how to avoid being taken unfair advantage of in the process.


For a complete Consumer's Guide, as well as a Pre-Planning Workbook and Resource Index, we offer our definitive book on the subject, The Affordable Funeral; Going in Style, Not in Debt©. This book has been referred to, by a 30-year hospital chaplain, as". . . easily the most comprehensive and reader-friendly work on the subject ever. Don't be caught DEAD without having read this!"
Features include;

As seen in LIFE, Money, INC., Consumer's Digest, US News & World Report, Kiplinger's, The Wall Street Journal, etc .

The Affordable Funeral covers everything from who to have collect the remains to shopping for monuments, with tips on saving serious money at each step in the process. Published in LARGE PRINT, 8.5" x 11" format, it can help cut funeral costs in half -- or better! -- while revealing much about this highly-secretive industry. Having your arrangements thought out, and available, is one of the most loving things a person can do for his or her family.


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Last updated 03/07/99