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More Folks To Contact
- Our Bookstore: An online bookstore devoted soley to titles on death, dying, grief, bereavement, etc ...
- The ULTIMATE Funeral Rip-Off Site![Father Henry's Page]
- Funeral And Memorial Societies of America (FAMSA) A fabulous storehouse of information on affordable funerals! Complete list of societies in your area.
- Internet Cremation Society A comprehensive listing of affiliates and funeral-related sites, including the Virginia Cremation Society which has been most helpful.
- Hospice Consumer Sources A dandy links page, coupled with one of the more complete web sites on the 'Net. 'A must see.'
- Growth House A directory of resources for
grief and terminal illness. Very comprehensive, very caring.
- The WEBster Cathi Webster's outstanding site on the subject. A great links page to all facets of death, dying, funerals and bereavement. Check this one for sure.
- Veterans Benefits
- Department of the Army
- Department of the Navy
- Department of the Air Force
- Social Security Survivors Benefits
- 'The Compassionate Friends (or TCF) Support group for bereaved parents and siblings.
- Education about Death, Dying and Bereavement
- Elizabeth Kubler-Ross - On Death and Dying A classic treatise on the topic, perhaps the best-known in history.
- Emotional Support Resources
- Links to Other Sites on Grief Support
- The National Fraud Information Center What's going around in the way of scams . . . over $40 BILLION bilked each year, plus links for complaints.
- King's College Courses on Death & Bereavement [A Canadian site with some solid general information on 'handling' death.]
- Trinity College's excellent page on the psychological/sociological aspect of death and dying.
- Other Links of Interest
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