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"I know you'd want only the best for your late aunt, so just let us handle everything."

Thus begins many a session at the funeral home ... and ends any chance you might have of getting a fair shake. Realize up front that you are at a distinct disadvantage here because;

So, What's Wrong With That?

Actually, nothing. It's the nature of business, it's the funeral director's job and livelihood, and in most cases they can be depended upon to take your desires and budget into consideration. That's assuming you state them at the outset, and assuming further that you know what to say.

Upon interviewing numerous ex-employees of the funeral trade, however, certain patterns of sales technique emerged. These sales ploys are covered in The Affordable Funeral©, everything from Who Comes For The Body, to Buying A Monument, and Beyond, along with 'Pre-need Plans' and 'Final Expense' insurance scams, complete with the weasel words which make you think you're getting something you're not. Some of these are quite creative and, yes, the author discovered he had been taken-in by some of them, too.

Veterans & Social Security Benefits

Order The Affordable Funeral; Going In Style, Not In Debt in hardback manual/workbook format

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