From the Days of Cleopatra and Before

Eye of Horus Necklace
This is typical, necklaces vary in color/content.
One of the most powerful Egyptian amulets was the Eye of Horus, also called the Udjat Eye, which was said to protect everything behind it from evil. This mummybead necklace is from the 26th dynasty, circa 600B.C. It has both tube beads and disc beads in many different colors from rich earth tones to the bright blues and greens favored by Egyptians. This necklace has been restrung and comes with a certificate of authenticity. This necklace spent at least 2,500 years around the neck of an Egyptian of noble birth, until its discovery nearly a century ago. Made of faience, it has been flawlessly restrung by museum personnel and is imminently wearable. Will anyone else be wearing the jewelry of Cleopatra's Royal Family at your wedding? $149.95 plus $7.00 U.S. for shipping and insurance.

earring image
Matching 2,500-5,000 year-old mummybead earrings. These are crafted from the funerary beads placed on mummies at the time of entombment. These beads are made of faience, an early form of glass invented around 4,000 B.C.E. and popular through the dynasties as a way for family members to add a personal touch. Some of these are from the Ptolemeic Dynasty (Cleopatra's bloodline) and some are much older. They have been reset, along with modern materials for aesthetic purposes, into 14 carat gold earrings available in pierced or spring tab models. $49.95 per set with faience bead dangle, $59.95 with real lapis lazuli dangle. Add $3.00 U.S. for priority delivery. ALSO SOLD INDEPENDENT OF NECKLACE.

Also Available with notice are Amulets of Zad, Bastet, the Ankh, Isis, and others. Call!

Selected Reproductions and Accessory Pieces
(hand-crafted with quality materials)

~ ~ Authentic Celtic Jewelry
{and some beautiful hand-fashioned reproductions}

~ ~ Classic Greek & Roman Items

~ ~ African Heritage Collection

~ ~ Mayan, Incan, Aztec & Precolombian

~ ~ European Eras

~ ~ Victorian & Edwardian Eras

~ ~ Mythical and Mystical

~ ~ Gift Ideas (Unique items that will be remembered!)