The Enviro-Gen 12 Saltwater Generator: An Ideal Power Source for Boaters, Campers, etc .
What is it??
The simplest answer would be that this is a wet-cell battery that uses seawater instead of acid. This answer is technically incorrect, however, since a battery merely stores
electrical energy put into it via a battery charger. The Enviro-Gen® generates its own electricity
once the seawater is added and a load is placed on the unit. That's right, if there's nothing plugged in
and operating, there is no voltage produced and no depletion, so this isn't a 'one-time shot'. You can use the
Enviro-Gen for several hours, then dump out the water and rinse the anodes in fresh water and put it back on
the shelf. Oh, the Enviro-Gen also has an indefinite shelf life and, unlike batteries, is unaffected by hot weather or engine room conditions.
What are some typical uses?
Anything you'd normally use battery power to operate can be operated by the Enviro-Gen. You can, for instance, operate a CD Player (9V), lighting (1.5-12V), a radio (6V), navigation gear (12V), and other items simultaneously using 'universal' converters. The duration of operation is dependent upon the electrical load
placed upon the unit. With a minimal load a set of anodes will last up to 100 hours, with the unit rated at 40AmpereHours. A 5 Amp sump pump, for instance, could deplete the anodes in 8 hours if running full time.
Primary uses include:
- Main source of DC power for sailboats without generators, for lights, navigation, and communications.
- As a back-up source of power for boating, camping, hunting, or emergencies.
- As a light-weight, small footprint alternative to wet-cell batteries and lanterns.
- For use in life-rafts and emergency shelters.

What are some of the advantages over traditional wet-cell batteries?
- Weight --- The Enviro-Gen weighs under 3.5 pounds without water, at least 90% less than most wet-cells.
- Size --- The Enviro-Gen is a tidy 5 1/2" X 9 1/2" unit which will fit virtually anywhere.
- Flexibility --- Ever wanted to use a battery only to find it DEAD? We all have. Normally you'd need
access to both a battery charger and an AC power outlet. With the Enviro-Gen, so long as you have
water and salt available, you can have DC power. You can also hook several of these units together to
accomodate heavier loads, longer duration, or both.
- Shelf-Life --- Years! You can put an Enviro-Gen in your boat, life raft, or emergency shelter and leave it
for years, secure in the knowledge that it will work when needed, assuming you've kept it free of saltwater (the anodes come packed in a waterproof case to assist in this).
- Environmental Concerns --- There's a good reason for this unit's name, it's not only GREEN in
color, it's GREEN in operation. The only thing produced by the anodes' depletion is a harmless
magnesium-salt which can be safely poured back into the ocean or even back into a city's water supply!
Also, since the anodes are all that need replacing, there's not a lot of battery cases to put into land-fills.
- Cost --- The Enviro-Gen is now available at an introductory price to get units out there in use and spread
'the word'. Once the remaining 400 units are sold, the price will go back to where our marketing folks
tell us
it should be, $179 - $199. At $129.95 it's a bargain. Our
government and military routinely pay upward of $600 for similar units built
to mil-spec, but here is a chance for you to own one at a more affordable price.
- Safety --- Imagine you're out to sea, doing a little tweaking on your batteries. Suddently the boat takes an awkward roll or shudder and the battery overturns. Now you have a caustic acid spill to clean up, as well as
the potential for getting acid on your clothes, skin, and (worse yet!) in your eyes! WIth the Enviro-Gen you'd just have a little saltwater to clean up, no potential for harm to your clothing or your body.
So, how do I get one?
It's Simple! You can order online via our secure server
(VeriSign Security) by clicking on the button below,
order by phone or Fax by calling toll-free 877-427-0220,
or sending your check for $129.95* US plus $8.60 shipping to:
1236 Ginger Crescent
Virginia Beach, VA 23453
*Virginia residents please add $5.40 state tax.
To order online, press the button.
Spare or replacement anodes available for $32.95 a Set of 8, plus $4.50 S & H
Got questions? E-mail us!
Note: To see some of the technical specs, see bottom of source-code for this page.
Thanks for dropping by!